About Me

If you want to know what prompted me to start a blog, go here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Second Post - Hooray!

Well, obviously the world is overjoyed with my new blog. Not a single comment from my first post. Oh, well...

I've just put the girls down for a nap and am listening to them do everything but go to sleep. How is that possible? When I have the opportunity, I can't WAIT to lie down and go to sleep!!! If only they knew how precious a thing naptime is, they would savor it forever.

So, what's new in my world to "blog" about? Not a thing. I told you having a blog was a stupid idea. I guess I can spend this time talking about one of my pet peeves - turning nouns into verbs. Take a look back at the sentence I typed where I referred to blogging as a verb. A blog is not a verb but a noun meaning: complete and total waste of time for people narcissistic enough to think anyone cares what they do or say. But people always seem to want to take simple, everyday nouns and turn them into verbs. Are we that lazy that we can't take the time to say, "I am going to write something for my blog"? Must we simply say, "I'm going to blog"? Please, don't ever say, "I'm going to go key something into my blog". 'Key' is another noun that has been turned into a verb. We now 'incent' people to do better instead of offering a person an incentive. (I've also actually heard people say 'incentivize'. Are you serious?!!!) We 'access' things on the computer instead of gaining access to something on the computer. Ugh! It is so annoying. It's all I can think about 24/7 (another peeve). I believe I'll blog about incenting you to key stuff into your computer so that you can access it later.

* Incidentally, I just ran a spell check and it told me that blog (as a verb) and incent were not words.

I'll tell you what else I find completely irritating: the now popular phrase 'It is what it is'. Well, of course it is what it is! You've just wasted my time and yours pointing that out! A close second to my most-hated phrase is 'We can only do what we can do'. Again - you are not helping me, you're not solving a problem, you're not coming up with creative solutions... you're not making any kind of a profound breakthrough by saying this. You are, in fact, pointing out to whomever is within earshot, that you are an idiot.

So, what can you do about this growing problem? Commit to not falling victim to buzzwords and popular/trendy phrases. Use nouns as nouns and verbs as verbs. Don't invent words just because you are lazy. I am extremely lazy as I mentioned in my last post, but it doesn't give me the right to create a new word every time I want to. Sorry for all of the bitching (a noun used as a verb). I can tell this blog is really a bad idea.

Oh well. It is what it is.


  1. I loathe certain words that have recently been invented, like Ginormous (gigantic and enormous put together) and nuther (instead of "a whole other" or another..."that's a whole nuther story"...what the hell does that mean? And what about when people drag something out of the closet, but yesterday, they "drug" it out...huh??

  2. by the way, Mary Beaule is "anonymous"...for some reason, I couldn't comment unless I became anonymous...my google account is tied to Bryson Elementary, and I figured it wasn't a good idea to use that, and I didn't know what the other things meant...so I'm the dumbass anonymous! just in case you were wondering:)

  3. Someone has too much free time on her hands!- Love your narcissistic blogger friend, Amber.

  4. Other pet peeves: "I'll see you when I see you" and "I'll get there when I get there." Also, don't you hate how people, myself included, use abbreviations when typing - especially texting? Like b4 for before, and u for you, and 2 for too, etc. I HATE that! And I really hate all the "lol's" and "wtf's!" Keep blogging (is that okay to say?).
